Traveling somewhere new is always exciting. But for some, it can also trigger an uneasiness that threatens to ground your aspirations. Flying can be a tense experience for some people.
If you’re an anxious flyer, these six tips will help bring you some tranquility among the clouds. Put these strategies to use for a new perspective on air travel!
1. Learn About Turbulence
For many people, turbulence is a particularly worrisome part of flying. And it’s easy to see why. But turbulence is better understood – and tolerated – when viewed through the lens of science.
Take the time to demystify the unsettling effects. Turbulence is a natural occurrence caused by atmospheric conditions and air currents that interact with the aircraft during flight.
Next time you fly, just remember that air turbulence is much more like bumps in a road than a sign of danger. Accurate insights into the reality of turbulence can help shift your fear into fascination.
Since heat rising from the ground is a common cause of turbulence, opt for morning flights for the smoothest ride possible.
2. Forget the Caffeine
Even though you might be craving a familiar cup of joe, it’s best to avoid coffee before and during your flight. It’s no secret that caffeine releases stress hormones and can make you feel restless and nervous.
Next time you go to order coffee, just remember it won’t be as relaxing as you hoped. Opt for less caffeinated options like tea so you can still have a hot beverage without the added nerves.

3. Distract Yourself
There are lots of things you can bring on board to distract yourself, if needed.
Books are always a great idea. If you can find a compelling novel, this is a great option to keep your mind off your surroundings.
Audio-related options can work wonders since they cut out the unfamiliar plane noises. Download a few episodes of your favorite podcast or create a calming playlist to listen to on your next flight.
Bring your tech! Loaded e-readers or tablets with downloaded movies and shows will make the time fly by (pun intended).
The idea here is to curate a selection of distractions that resonate with you personally. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s captivating enough to keep your mind occupied during your flight.
4. Get a Travel Buddy
When dealing with flight nerves, just the thought of traveling alone can spike your unease. The presence of a friend or family member is comforting. When you get nervous during the flight, they’re right next to you to help calm you down and distract you from your surroundings.
Also, having someone there to help with the practical matters of travel like carrying luggage or managing logistics can relieve some of the travel stress.
Flying with a friend isn’t just about having company, it creates an environment of encouragement and support in an otherwise unfamiliar situation.

Traveling is an amazing experience. Don’t let your nerves about flying keep you grounded!
Ready to book your next trip? Check out these cheap flights through Allegiant.