Allegiant Contract of Carriage

Effective on and after December 1, 2022
Passenger transportation by Allegiant Air, LLC. (hereafter "Carrier") is subject to the following terms and conditions, in addition to any terms and conditions printed on or in any Ticketless Travel Confirmation, specified on Carrier's Internet site with respect to electronic ticketing, or published in Carrier's schedules. By purchasing or accepting transportation, the passenger agrees to be bound thereby.
Review Allegiant's Terms and Conditions on ticketing, non-refundability, baggage and check-in
Review Allegiant's Luggage Limitations of Liability
Review Allegiant's Notice - Overbooking of Flights
1. Definitions
Baggage means all luggage, including suitcases, garment bags, sports equipment, musical instruments, mobility devices, tote bags, packages, camera and electronics bags, computer and equipment cases, briefcases, typewriters, and similar articles, whether carried by the passenger in the cabin or carried in the aircraft cargo compartments. Coats and wraps, when carried by the passenger in the passenger cabin, will not be considered as baggage.
Baggage tag/Baggage Check means a document issued by Carrier solely for identification of checked baggage, a portion of which (Tag) is affixed by Carrier to a particular article of checked baggage for routing purposes and a portion of which (Check) is given to the passenger for the purpose of claiming the baggage.
Carriage means the transportation of passengers and/or baggage by air, gratuitously or for hire, and all services of Carrier incidental thereto.
Carrier means Allegiant Air, LLC.
Checked baggage means baggage of which Carrier takes sole custody and for which Carrier has attached a baggage tag(s) and/or issued a baggage check(s).
Individual with a disability means a person who:
- has a physical or mental impairment that, on a permanent or temporary basis, substantially limits one or more major life activities;
- has a record of such an impairment; or
- is regarded as having such impairment, as further defined in U.S. Department of Transportation regulations at 14 C.F.R. § 382.3.
Nonstop flight means a flight scheduled to operate between the origin and destination points without intermediate stops.
One-way means travel from one point to another on Carrier's scheduled air service assigned for travel between the two points.
Passenger means any person, except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with the consent of Carrier.
Qualified individual with a disability means an individual with a disability who:
- with respect to accompanying or meeting a traveler, use of ground transportation, using terminal facilities, or obtaining information about schedules, fares, or policies, takes those actions necessary to avail himself or herself of facilities or services offered by Carrier to the general public, with reasonable accommodations, as needed, provided by Carrier;
- with respect to obtaining air transportation on Carrier, offers, or makes a good faith attempt to offer, to purchase or otherwise to validly obtain air transportation; or
- with respect to obtaining air transportation or other services or accommodations, as provided by U.S. Department of Transportation regulations on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Air Travel, 14 C.F.R. Part 382:
- purchases or possesses a valid Ticketless Travel Confirmation for air transportation on Carrier and presents himself or herself at the airport for the purpose of traveling on the flight for which the Confirmation has been purchased or obtained;
- meets reasonable, nondiscriminatory requirements of this Contract of Carriage applicable to all passengers; and
- whose carriage will not violate the requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations or jeopardize the safe completion of the flight or the health or safety of other persons.
Roundtrip means travel from one point to another and return to the first point.
Scheduled air service means any flight scheduled in the current edition of the Official Airline Guide (OAG), Carrier's published schedule, Carrier's Internet site, or the computer reservation system used by Carrier.
Ticketless Travel Confirmation means the electronically-recorded information in Carrier's computer reservation system that provides for the carriage of the passenger occupying a single seat and his or her baggage.
Unchecked baggage is baggage other than checked baggage.
2. Not Used
3. Application of Conditions
The terms and conditions contained in this Contract of Carriage shall govern the application of all fares, rates, and charges published by Carrier and will apply only to Carrier's routes and services. No agent, servant, or representative of Carrier has authority to change or waive any provision of this Contract of Carriage unless authorized by a corporate officer of Carrier.
4. International Travel
In the event that any passenger purchasing transportation on Carrier may be determined to be in international transportation under the Montreal Convention, Carrier's liability in the event of a passenger's death or bodily injury is limited, in most cases, to proven damages not to exceed 128,821 Special Drawing Rights per passenger, with liability up to this limit not dependent upon negligence on the part of Allegiant.
5. Electronic Surveillance of Passengers and Baggage
Passengers and their baggage are subject to inspection with an electronic detector with or without the passenger's consent or knowledge.
6. - 9. Not Used
10. Refusal to Transport
Carrier will refuse to transport, or will remove from an aircraft at any point, any passenger in the following circumstances:
- Safety and Government Request or Regulation - Whenever such action is necessary for reasons of aviation safety or to comply with any Federal Aviation Regulation or other applicable U.S. or foreign government regulation, or to comply with any governmental request for emergency transportation in connection with the national defense, or whenever such action is necessary or advisable by reason of weather or other conditions beyond Carrier's control (including, without limitation, acts of God, force majeure, strikes, civil commotions, embargoes, wars, hostilities, or disturbances, whether actual, threatened, or reported).
- Search of Passenger or Property - Any passenger who refuses to permit the search of his or her person or property for explosives or a concealed, deadly, or dangerous weapon or article.
- Proof of Identity - Any passenger who refuses on request to produce positive identification.
NOTE: Carrier shall have the right to require, but shall not be obligated to require, positive identification of persons purchasing ticketless travel and/or presenting a Ticketless Travel Confirmation for the purpose of boarding aircraft. - Special Medical Requirements - Carrier will refuse to transport persons requiring the following medical equipment or services, which either are not authorized or cannot be accommodated on Carrier's aircraft: medical oxygen for use onboard the aircraft, incubators, respiratory assistance devices that must receive power from the aircraft's electrical power supply, or persons who must travel on a stretcher. The user must have a sufficient power supply during the flight to power the device, including a conservative estimate of any unanticipated delays. Spare lithium batteries for POCs are prohibited from being carried in checked baggage. Devices may not be charged using on-board power outlets.
- Qualified Individuals with a Disability - Carrier will transport qualified individuals with a disability in accordance with the conditions and requirements of U.S. Department of Transportation regulations, 14 C.F.R. Part 382, unless the carriage of such individuals may impair the safety of the flight or violate Federal Aviation Regulations. Pursuant to 14 CFR § 382.27, Carrier requires 48 hour minimum advance notice and 1 hour advance check-in for a qualified individual with a disability who wishes to receive the following services available on the carrier's flights: (1) Provision by the carrier of hazardous material packaging for a battery for a wheelchair or other assistive device, (2) Accommodations for a group of ten or more qualified individuals with a disability, who make reservations and travel as a group, (3) Provision of an on-board wheelchair on aircraft that does not have an accessible lavatory. However, pursuant to 14 C.F.R. § 382.113, Carrier will not provide certain extensive in-flight special services such as assistance in actual eating, assistance within the lavatory or at the individual's seat with elimination functions, or provision of medical services. Moreover, pursuant to 14 C.F.R. § 382.29, Carrier may require that a qualified individual with a disability be accompanied by an attendant as a condition of being provided air transportation in the following circumstances:
- When the individual, because of a mental disability, is unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions from Carrier's Employees, including the safety briefing required by 14 C.F.R. §§ 121.571(a)(3) & (a)(4);
- When the individual has a mobility impairment so severe that the individual is unable to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft; or
- When the individual has both severe hearing and severe vision impairments, if the individual cannot establish some means of communication with Carrier's Employees adequate to permit transmission of the safety briefing required by 14 C.F.R. §§ 121.571(a)(3) & (a)(4)—and to enable the individual to assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in the event of an emergency.
If Carrier determines that an individual meeting the criteria of Article 10.E. (1), (2), or (3) above must travel with an attendant, contrary to the individual's self-assessment that he or she is capable of traveling independently, Carrier will not charge the individual with the disability for the transportation of the attendant while accompanying such individual. Furthermore, if, because there is not a seat available on a flight for an attendant whom Carrier has determined to be necessary, an individual with a disability having a confirmed reservation is unable to travel on the flight, such individual will be eligible for denied boarding compensation under Article 105 below. For purposes of determining whether a seat is available for an attendant, the attendant shall be deemed to have checked in at the same time as the individual with the disability.
- Comfort and Safety - Carrier may refuse to transport or remove from the aircraft at any point any passenger in the following categories as may be necessary for the comfort or safety of such passenger or other passengers:
- Persons whose conduct are or have been known to be disorderly, abusive, offensive, threatening, intimidating, or violent
NOTE: Carrier will not refuse to provide transportation to a qualified individual with a disability solely because the individual's disability results in appearance or involuntary behavior that may offend, annoy, or inconvenience crewmembers or other passengers. - Persons who are barefoot (other than infants) or not properly clothed;
- Persons who are unable to occupy a seat with the seat belt fastened;
- Persons who appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs;
- Persons who are known to have a contagious disease, if the Carrier determines the person's condition poses a direct threat as defined in 14 CFR § 382.3;
- Persons who have an offensive odor, except where such condition is the result of a qualified disability;
- Persons who have clothing/attire/accessories that are deemed patently offensive or obscene by other passengers and choose not to remove, change or cover the article(s).
- Persons who wear or have on or about their persons concealed or unconcealed deadly or dangerous weapons; provided, however, that Carrier will carry passengers who meet the qualifications and conditions established in Federal Aviation Regulation, 14 C.F.R. § 108.11;
- Manacled persons in the custody of law enforcement personnel; persons brought into the airport in manacles; persons who have resisted escorts; or escorted persons who express to Carrier's Employees an objection to being transported on the flight;
- Persons who have misrepresented a condition which becomes evident upon arrival at the airport, and the condition renders the passenger unacceptable for carriage;
- Infants fourteen (14) days of age or younger, unless approved for carriage in writing by an attending physician; or
- Persons who are unwilling or unable to abide with Carrier's non-smoking rules.
- Persons whose conduct are or have been known to be disorderly, abusive, offensive, threatening, intimidating, or violent
Disposition of the fare of any passenger denied transportation or removed from Carrier's aircraft enroute under the provisions of Article 10 is governed by Article 90 of this Contract of Carriage.
11. - 14. Not Used
15. Ticketless Travel Confirmation - General
- No person shall be entitled to transportation except upon presentation of a valid Ticketless Travel Confirmation or proof of identification acceptable to Carrier that transportation has been purchased through Carrier's electronic ticketing or Ticketless travel systems. Such electronic ticketing documentation shall entitle the person to transportation only between the points of origin and destination.
- A Ticketless Travel Confirmation is valid for 365 calendar days from the date of issue, except as noted below:
- Ticketless Travel Confirmations issued with fare restrictions, i.e., nonrefundable fares, are valid only on the flight and date shown on the Ticketless Travel Confirmation. If a Customer purchases transportation with fare restrictions but chooses not to travel on the flight and date for which the Ticketless Travel Confirmation is issued, the fare paid may, within 365 calendar days from the date of purchase, be applied toward the purchase of another Ticketless Travel Confirmation; however, the new Confirmation may be subject to a change fee and be more expensive or subject to different terms, conditions, or restrictions. No cash refund or credit card adjustments will be made for Ticketless Travel Confirmations with fare restrictions.
- Ticketless Travel Confirmations are not transferable unless specified thereon, but Carrier is not liable to the owner of a Confirmation for honoring or refunding such Confirmation when presented by another person.
16. - 19. Not Used
20. Reservations and Check-In Time Limits
- A reservation on a given flight is valid when the availability and allocation of space is confirmed by a Reservations Sales Agent of Carrier or upon issuance of a Ticketless Travel Confirmation number, and the passenger's name is entered into Carrier's reservations system.
- B. Airport check-in time limits: Carrier may cancel the reservation of any passenger who fails to check-in, including checked baggage, at least 45 minutes and arrive at the boarding gate at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the flight for which the reservation was made.
- Carrier will refuse to carry any person when such refusal is necessary to comply with an applicable governmental regulation.
- When a roundtrip or multi-segment reservation has been made and the passenger fails to claim his or her reservation for the first portion of the trip, Carrier reserves the right to cancel the return or continuing portions of the passenger's reservation for purposes of reservation inventory management. Carrier does not prohibit or penalize what is commonly known as "back-to-back" or "hidden-city" ticketing.
21. Groups Policies
- Groups of ten (10) or more will need to be booked on multiple reservations.
22. - 24. Not Used
25. Ground Transportation
Carrier does not assume responsibility for the ground transportation of any passenger or his or her baggage between any airport used by Carrier and any other location. Ground transportation is at the passenger's risk and expense. An exception to this article is if, for reasons outside Carrier’s control, the Carrier is unable to land at the airport of the scheduled destination and is diverted to another airport as described in article 85.G.
26. - 29. Not Used
30. Application of Fares - General
- Transportation is subject to the fares and charges in effect on the date on which such Ticketless Travel Confirmation was issued. If a Ticketless Travel Confirmation has been issued before an increase in the fare becomes effective, it shall be honored for transportation between the points, and at the class of service, for which it was purchased. The only exception for a post-purchase price increase would apply if the full amount of the itinerary has not yet been paid. This includes, but is not limited to, an increase in the price of seats, an increase in the price for the carriage of passenger baggage, an increase in an applicable fuel surcharge, or an increase in a government-imposed tax or fee. Fares may fluctuate and are subject to change without notice. No refunds or airline system credits will be provided after a reservation has been made through Customer Care. However, customer can make changes to reservations online at
- Fares are published in Carrier's reservations system and may be obtained from an Allegiant Air Reservations Sales Agent by telephone at (702) 505-8888 on Carrier's Internet site at, or through an authorized travel agent. Some travel agencies, however, may impose an additional charge for this service.
- All published fares and charges are stated in U.S. currency.
- No stopovers are permitted on published fares, except upon combination of local fares.
31. - 34. Not Used
35. Carriage of Children
- Children Under Two (2) Years of Age - One child under two (2) years of age, not occupying a seat, will be carried without charge when accompanied by a fare-paying passenger fifteen (15) years of age or older. Carrier cannot guarantee that an unoccupied seat will be available for any child traveling without charge and without a confirmed reservation. Proof of age, such as a birth certificate, is required. Safety seats for children without a confirmed reservation may have to be transported as checked baggage if unoccupied seats are not available.
- Children under two (2) years of age traveling on a confirmed reservation, with or without the use of a safety seat, will be charged the applicable fare.
- Unaccompanied Minor Children
- Carrier does not accept reservations for carriage of fare-paying Unaccompanied Minors or unescorted children under the age of fifteen (15) years.
- Children fourteen (14) years and younger must be accompanied by an adult fifteen (15) years or older.
- Special supervision for any travelers is not offered.
- Responsibilities of Carrier - Carrier assumes no responsibilities for travelers fifteen (15) to seventeen (17) years old beyond those applicable to adult passengers.
36. Not Used
37. - 41. Not Used
42. Internet Fares
Special promotional fares may be available via the Internet on Carrier's website (Internet address: Seat availability, fares, and fare restrictions are published in the website presentation.
43. Stopovers
- Carrier's local fares for a flight or flights between a passenger's point of origin and destination shall apply only to published nonstop flights, except as provided in Article 85.A. below.
- A stopover shall occur when a passenger arriving at an intermediate or connection point on his or her itinerary fails to depart from such intermediate point on the published connecting flight to the passenger's next intermediate or destination. In the event of a single stopover, the passenger's fare shall be the sum of the appropriate local fares between the point of origin and stopover and the appropriate local fare between the point of stopover and destination. In the event of multiple stopovers, the passenger's fare shall be the sum of:
- the appropriate local fare between the point of origin and first stopover; plus
- the appropriate local fare(s) between each stopover point and the next subsequent stopover point, if any; plus
- the appropriate local fare(s) between the point of last stopover and destination.
44. Not Used
45. Acceptance of Baggage - General
- Inspection - All baggage tendered to Carrier for transportation is subject to inspection by Carrier.
- Acceptance - Carrier will accept as baggage such personal property as is necessary or appropriate for the wear, use, comfort, or convenience of the passenger, as the personal property of the fare-paying passenger and not intended for sale to other persons, subject to the following conditions:
- Carrier will refuse to accept baggage for transportation on any flight other than the flight on which the passenger is transported;
- Carrier will refuse to accept any baggage for transportation if it or its contents cannot withstand ordinary handling, or if its weight, size, or character renders it unsuitable for transportation on the particular aircraft on which it is to be carried, unless the passenger releases Carrier from liability;
- Each piece of baggage tendered to Carrier for carriage must have affixed thereto a current identification tag or label with the passenger' s name, address, and telephone number (if available);
- With the exception of sports equipment, musical instruments, wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and assistive devices used by an individual with a disability, Carrier will not accept as baggage any item having outside measurements (i.e., the sum of the greatest outside length plus the greatest outside height plus the greatest outside width) that exceed eighty (80) inches, or that weigh more than fifty (50) pounds, except as provided in Article 65 below;
- Carrier will not accept sports equipment having larger outside measurements that exceed one hundred twenty-six (126) inches or three hundred nineteen (319) centimeters, or that weigh more than seventy (70) pounds or thirty-two (32) kilograms.
- Carrier will not accept musical instruments that weigh more than one hundred sixty-five (165) pounds.
- Carrier will refuse to accept baggage that, because of its nature, contents, or characteristics (such as sharp objects, paint, corrosives, or other prohibited hazardous materials), might cause injury to passengers or Carrier's Employees, damage to aircraft or other equipment, or damage to other baggage; and
- Carrier will not accept baggage that cannot safely be carried in the baggage compartment of the aircraft.
46. Carry-on Baggage
- Carrier will determine whether or not any baggage of a passenger, because of its weight, size, contents, or character, may be carried in the passenger cabin of the aircraft. Each item of carry-on baggage may have external dimensions no larger than ten inches by sixteen inches by twenty-two inches (10 in. x 16 in. x 22 in.). All carry-on baggage must be stowed underneath a seat or in an overhead compartment. Hard-sided items (i.e., those with inflexible surfaces) may be placed only on the floor of the overhead compartment (i.e., not on top of other items in the compartment) or underneath a seat. Carry-on baggage is the sole responsibility of the passenger. Claims for damaged, lost, forgotten, or stolen carry-on baggage will not be accepted by Carrier. Allegiant Air will charge a fee for a carry-on bag as well as for items intended to carry-on board the aircraft, but which exceed the specified dimensions, and/or require the services of gate checking at the aircraft door.
- In accordance with FAA/TSA Security Directives, passengers are restricted to one (1) item of carry-on baggage that does not exceed external dimensions of ten inches by sixteen inches by twenty-two inches (10 in. x 16 in. x 22 in.) (e.g., roll-aboard bag, garment bag, tote bag) plus one smaller personal-type item (e.g., purse, briefcase, laptop computer, small backpack), not to exceed external dimensions of eight inches by fourteen inches by eighteen inches (8 in. x14 in. x18 in.), provided that such items are capable of being carried onboard the aircraft by one person without assistance and are capable of being stowed in an overhead compartment or completely underneath a seat. If requested, qualified individuals with a disability will be provided assistance by Carrier's Representatives in loading, stowing, and retrieving carry-on items, including authorized assistive devices. Carrier reserves the right to further restrict the size and number of carry-on items.
- In addition to the carry-on baggage allowance provided herein, items such as reading material, food for en route consumption, a diaper bag, a small camera, and a coat, jacket, wrap, or similar outer garment, may be carried onboard the aircraft.
- Mobility and other assistive devices authorized for carriage in the aircraft cabin upon which a qualified individual with a disability is dependent may be carried in addition to the two (2) item cabin baggage allowance.
- Unless unoccupied seats are available on a flight, Carrier requires a reservation and purchase of transportation at the appropriate fare to ensure that a safety seat or infant seat may be used during flight. Only federally-approved and labeled safety seats or infant seats are permitted for use aboard Carrier's aircraft. Federal regulations prohibit the use of child booster seats and harness-type or vest-type restraining devices, except for the AmSafe Aviation CARES.
- The following conditions apply to acceptance for carriage in the aircraft passenger cabin of bass violas, cellos, guitars, and other musical instruments, and electronic, computer, and audio/video equipment and parts thereof, whose size prevents such instruments or equipment from being handled as normal carry-on baggage:
- the instrument or equipment must be contained in a case;
- a reservation must be made for the instrument or equipment at the applicable fare;
- the instrument or equipment must be secured in the first window seat aft of a floor-to-ceiling bulkhead. Such seats are limited in availability.
- Carrier will refuse to transport items of carry-on baggage that may be harmful or dangerous to a passenger, the flight crew, or the aircraft.
47. Live Animals - Pets
A. General Rules and Conditions
The passenger assumes full responsibility for the conduct of his or her accompanying pet. In the event Allegiant incurs any loss, damage, delay, expense, or legal liability of any kind in connection with the transport of such animal, the passenger accepts full responsibility for same and will reimburse Allegiant for the full amount of such loss, damage, delay, expense, or legal liability incurred by Allegiant.
Transportation of animals in the aircraft cabin must meet the following conditions:
- Allegiant only accepts domestic dogs and cats as a pet within the aircraft cabin. Pets are not transported in the cargo area.
- All pet carriers may not exceed external dimensions of nine inches by sixteen inches by nineteen inches (8 in. X 14 in. x 18 in.).
- Soft-sided carriers are preferred (hard-sided carriers accepted). Carriers must be leak-proof, with sufficient ventilation and fully enclose the pet within in.
- Per TSA regulations, a pet carrier will count toward the allowable 2 items carried onboard. A passenger may travel with a pet carrier and a personal item OR a carryon, but not both.
- All animals must be at least eight (8) weeks of age.
- Pets must be fully/completely inside the carrier at all times. This Includes at the airport and while aboard the aircraft. If a passenger does not comply, the animal may be denied boarding for future flights.
- Two pets may occupy one carrier, provided both pets fit comfortably within the enclosed carrier.
- An Allegiant representative, at the departure airport, will determine if there is adequate room in the carrier for any pet(s). In the event of a disagreement, the Allegiant representative’s decision will control.
- Pets must not be ill or in distress. Must also be harmless, non-disruptive and odorless.
- There is a non-refundable fifty-dollar ($50.00) fee for each one-way flight for a pet carrier.
- Customers traveling with a pet is prohibited from occupying a seat in the bulkhead row, an exit row, or the rows in front of or behind an exit row.
- Pets or pet carriers may NOT be placed in or strapped into an aircraft seat and must be placed under the seat directly in front of the passenger.
- Allegiant assumes no responsibility for the health or well-being of pets before, during or after a flight.
48. Service Animals
48.1. General Rules and Conditions
The passenger assumes full responsibility for the conduct of his or her accompanying service animal(s). In the event Allegiant incurs any loss, damage, delay, expense, or legal liability of any kind in connection with the transport of such animal, the passenger accepts full responsibility for same and will reimburse Allegiant for the full amount of such loss, damage, delay, expense, or legal liability incurred by Allegiant.
48.2 Service Animals
A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or perform task for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.
Allegiant has partnered with Open Doors Organization (ODO), a non-profit disability advocacy group, to streamline the completion of the required U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Transportation form. ODO provides the option to complete the required form online through their Service Animal Forms Portal (SAFP).
Notification of Travel
Allegiant requires the U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Transportation Form to be completed at least 48-hours prior to scheduled departure. We strongly recommend beginning the online process as soon as possible. If you do not wish to complete the required form online, a hard copy may be completed and emailed directly to Allegiant at [email protected] or mailed directly to Allegiant at:
Allegiant Air
Attn: Disabilities Team/ACAA
P.O. Box 371730
Las Vegas, NV 89137
U.S. Department of Transportation Service Animal Transportation Form
If travel is purchased within 48-hours of scheduled departure, we ask that you begin the online process as soon as possible rather than bringing your completed form to the airport. In addition, plan to arrive to the airport early to avoid any possible delays.
48.4 Animal Transport and Miscellaneous
- Allegiant only permits domestic dogs that are being used as service animal(s) by qualified individuals with disabilities to accompany such individuals in the aircraft cabin at no charge.
- Allegiant permits a service animal to accompany a qualified individual with a disability at either a bulkhead seat or a seat other than a bulkhead seat, as the individual prefers, unless the animal obstructs an aisle or other area that must remain unobstructed in order to facilitate an emergency evacuation.
- All seating accommodation requests must be made at least 24 hours prior to scheduled departure. If a seat request is made within 24 hours of scheduled departure, Allegiant will make a reasonable effort to accommodate the request without displacing another passenger. Seating accommodations may be requested via email via the Contact Us tab on the Allegiant website or by contacting our Customer Care Team.
- Passengers are limited to two (2) fully trained service animals if required to perform work or tasks directly related to the passenger’s disability.
- All such animal(s) must remain under the control of the passenger at all times and be leashed, harnessed or tethered to the passenger at all times.
- An Allegiant representative will observe the behavior of all service animals prior to boarding to ensure the safety of all passengers, service animals, and crew members onboard. All passengers are required to be within the gate area at least 30 minutes prior to scheduled departure.
- All animals are required to fit within the foot space of the disabled passenger and are prohibited from encroaching on the foot space of another passenger. If the animal encroaches on another passenger’s foot space, the disabled passenger may be required to purchase a second seat to accommodate the animal. If no additional seating is available, the service animal may be denied boarding and/or transport.
- Animals are prohibited from sitting on a seat and from sitting on or eating off tray tables.
- A service animal will only be accepted when traveling with the passenger the dog has been trained to assist.
- Allegiant reserves the right to deny the transport of any animal that is improperly cleaned and/or has a foul odor, that appears to be ill or in physical distress, or that in the judgment of an Allegiant representative at the departure airport poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
- Allegiant requires all service animals to have a current and verifiable rabies vaccination.
- If a service animal is transported within a pet carrier, the carrier must be compliant to Allegiant’s Pet Carrier policy. A passenger is prohibited from traveling with more than one carrier.
- Service animals in-training and Law Enforcement/Search and Rescue dogs may be considered by Allegiant for transport on a case-by-case basis. Allegiant requires at least 72 hours prior notification and submission of any supporting documentation as to the work of the dog or the training process. Allegiant reserves the right to deny any such request without cause.
- State and local laws and regulations may differ from locality to locality. In addition, destinations outside of the contiguous 48 United States may have specific restrictions as to the type/species permitted. It is the passenger’s responsibility to know and adhere to applicable requirements concerning animals.
- Passengers are solely responsible for and will be held liable for any personal injury or property damage caused by their animal (pet or service animal).
- All animals are expected to be trained to behave in a public setting. Per the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Part 382 (administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation), Allegiant reserves the right to deny transport to any animal displaying disruptive behavior, such as, but not limited to:
- Growling, snarling, biting, attempting to bite or acting in an aggressive manner
- Running around or jumping on other passengers
- Relieving itself in the airport terminal or in the aircraft cabin
- Barking excessively (other than alerting passenger as trained)
If a passenger or a fully trained service animal does not meet the requirements of this Article 48, Allegiant reserves the right to deny boarding and/or transport of the animal.
49. - 54. Not Used
55. Checking of Baggage
- Carrier will accept baggage for checking from a fare-paying passenger when tendered to Carrier no earlier than two (2) hours in advance of flight departure time at Carrier' s airport ticket counter or curb-side check-in station, or at an earlier time on the day of commencement of travel as may be authorized by Carrier's Employees at the departure airport. Carrier will not check baggage tendered:
- to a point beyond the destination indicated on the passenger's Ticketless Travel Confirmation;
- to an intermediate stop or connection point;
- for a flight to be operated on a later date.
- Where a passenger fails to meet the minimum check-in time requirement of 45 minutes prior to departure for a flight, or is a revenue standby passenger for a flight (i.e., a passenger who lacks a reservation on the flight and is waiting at the gate for an available seat), the Carrier may require such passenger to agree to a new baggage delivery date and location where the Carrier is unable to place the passenger’s checked bag on that flight because of the limited time available.
56. - 59. Not Used
60. Checked Baggage Allowance
Upon presentation of a bag to be checked by a fare-paying passenger of a valid Ticketless Travel Confirmation, a checked baggage fee will apply.
Each piece of sporting equipment will be considered a checked bag with all applicable fees applied per person, per bag, per segment. All Baggage Fees are non-refundable except as provided in Article 74 below. With the exception of sports equipment, musical instruments, wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and assistive devices used by an individual with a disability, each bag must weigh 50 lbs or less and the outside measurements of each bag must not exceed eighty (80) inches. Applicable fees will be applied for those bags exceeding the weight and size limits. The total number of bags allowed may not exceed 5 per passenger.
- Firearms - Carrier will not accept assembled firearms and ammunition for transportation except as follows:
- All passengers must declare their firearm at time of check-in.
- Passengers must be 18 years of age to check a firearm.
- Firearms and ammunition cannot be carried on board the aircraft but are accepted in checked baggage only.
- Firearms must be unloaded and encased in a locked, hard-sided container acceptable to Allegiant for withstanding normal checked baggage handling without sustaining damage to the firearm. Only the individual checking the baggage should retain the key or combination.
- Firearm parts, including magazines, clips, bolts and firing pins, are prohibited in carry-on baggage, but may be transported in checked baggage.
- Replica firearms, including firearm replicas that are toys, may be transported in checked baggage only.
- Rifle scopes are permitted in carry-on and checked baggage.
- There is no limit to the number of firearms or corresponding accessories a passenger can carry in the locked hard-sided container.
- Carrier will accept no more than a total gross weight of eleven (11) pounds of ammunition per passenger
- Oversize / overweight restrictions still apply.
- Ammunition must be in the manufacturer’s original container or equivalent fiber, wood, or metal container specifically designed to carry ammunition, including removed handgun magazine. This carrier must provide sufficient cartridge separation.
- If a mobility aid or assistive device, upon which a passenger who is a qualified individual with a disability is dependent, cannot be carried in the passenger cabin due to space limitations, such aid or device will be checked and carried in addition to the 2 piece maximum without charge.
61. - 64. Not Used
65. Excess Baggage Charges
- Application - Excess baggage charges specified in this Article will be applicable from the point at which the baggage is accepted to the point to which the baggage is checked.
- Charges:
- Baggage in excess of the five (5) bag maximum specified in Article 60 above will incur a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) per piece per segment.
- Baggage in excess of eighty (80) inches but not more than one hundred fifteen (115) inches (sum of outside length plus outside height plus outside width) will incur an oversize charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per item in addition to the assessed Baggage Fee.
- Baggage weighing between fifty-one (51) and seventy (70) pounds will be accepted as checked baggage for an excess weight charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) per item in addition to the assessed Baggage Fee. Baggage weighing between seventy-one (71) and ninety-nine (99) pounds will be accepted as checked baggage for an excess weight charge of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per item in addition to the assessed Baggage Fee.
- Sports equipment measuring one hundred twenty-six (126) linear inches or three hundred nineteen (319) linear centimeters or less will not incur an oversize baggage charge. Carrier will not accept sports equipment measuring greater than one hundred twenty-six (126) linear inches or three hundred nineteen (319) linear centimeters in size.
- Sports equipment weighing seventy (70) pounds or thirty-two (32) kilograms or less will not incur an excess weight baggage fee.
- Musical Instruments weighing one hundred sixty-five (165) pounds or less will not incur an excess weight fee.
- With exception to sports equipment, musical instruments, wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and assistive devices used by an individual with a disability, baggage weighing more than ninety-nine (99) pounds will not be accepted.
66. - 73. Not Used
74. Significantly Delayed or Lost Bags
Carrier shall provide a prompt refund to a passenger of any fee charged for transporting a checked bag where the bag is significantly delayed or lost and the passenger has notified the Carrier in writing by filing a mishandled baggage report. Carrier does not have an obligation to provide a refund of the bag fee for a lost or significantly delayed bag unless a passenger files a mishandled baggage report. A prompt refund is issued within 7 business days for credit card payments or within 20 calendar days for non credit-card payments. The 7/20 day clock begins upon the expiration of the baggage delivery time frames described below for domestic and international flights, or when the passenger filed a Mishandled Baggage Report, whichever occurred later.
A significantly delayed checked bag is a checked bag not delivered to or picked up by the passenger or another person authorized to act on behalf of the passenger:
- Within 12 hours of the flight’s arrival for domestic itineraries,
- Within 15 hours of the flight’s arrival for international itineraries with a non-stop flight segment between the US and a foreign point that is 12 hours or less in duration, and
- Within 30 hours of the flight’s arrival for international itineraries with a non-stop flight between the US and a foreign point that is more than 12 hours in duration.
- The 15 and 30 hour standards apply to domestic segments of international itineraries.
The length of the delay is calculated from the time the passenger is given the opportunity to deplane from a flight at their destination airport (the beginning of the delay) to:
- the time that the Carrier has delivered the bag to a location agreed upon by the passenger and Carrier (e.g., the passenger’s home or hotel), or
- the time that the bag has been picked up by the passenger or another person acting on behalf of the passenger at the passenger’s destination airport (the end of the delay).
If the Carrier determines that passengers could or are purposefully delaying in arriving to pick up their bags to receive a refund, Carrier is free to choose option 1 above.
The amount of the refund issued to the passenger for a significantly delayed or lost bag will be equal to the fee that the passenger paid to transport the checked bag. Where the exact bag fee paid cannot be determined, the refund may be equal to or greater than the fee paid by the passenger to transport the checked bag. To the extent that there was no bag fee paid by any form of payment (e.g., credit card, loyalty points) because the transport of the baggage was included as part of the fare or the baggage fee was waived due to the passenger’s airline loyalty program status, or as a benefit of using an airline credit card, or as part of some other benefit or reward program such as the Allegiant Honors program for military service members and veterans, the Carrier is not required to provide a refund as the passenger did not pay an ancillary fee for the checked bag.
Carrier is exempted from providing a bag fee refund for a significantly delayed bag in situations where the delay resulted from:
- A passenger’s failure to pick up and recheck a bag at the first international entry point into the US as required by US Customs and Border Protection;
- A passenger’s failure to pick up a checked bag that arrived on time at the passenger’s ticketed final destination due to the fault of the passenger if documented by Carrier (e.g., passenger ended the travel before reaching the final destination on the itinerary, or the passenger failed to pick up the bag before taking a flight on a separate itinerary); or
- A passenger’s voluntary agreement to travel without the checked bag on the same flight, as described below.
A passenger’s voluntary agreement to travel without the checked bag, or voluntary separation from the bag occurs where a passenger fails to meet the minimum check-in time requirement for a flight or is a revenue standby passenger for a flight (i.e., a passenger who lacks a reservation on the flight and is waiting at the gate for an available seat) and the carrier may require such passenger to agree to a new baggage delivery date and location where the Carrier is unable to place the passenger’s checked bag on that flight because of the limited time available.
Carrier is not required to provide a refund of bag fees for significantly delayed bags when the delay is caused by a third-party delivery service, the third-party is not a contractor or agent of the Carrier and, instead, is contracting directly with the passenger.
75. Baggage - Limitation of Liability
- The liability, if any, of Carrier for loss of, damage to, or delay in the delivery of checked or unchecked baggage and/or its contents, with the exception of wheelchairs, mobility aids, and assistive devices used by an individual with a disability, is limited to the proven amount of damage or loss, but in no event shall be greater than four thousand, seven hundred dollars ($4,700) Domestic or 1,288 Special Drawing Rights International per fare-paying passenger. Carrier will compensate the passenger for reasonable, actual and documented damages incurred as a result of the loss of, damage to, or delayed delivery of such baggage up to the limit of liability or declared valuation, whichever is higher, provided the passenger has exercised reasonable effort to minimize the amount of damage. Actual value for reimbursement of lost or damaged property shall be determined by the documented original purchase price less depreciation for prior usage.
- Carrier will be liable for such personal property only for the period in which it is in the custody of Carrier. While every reasonable effort will be made to return items inadvertently left behind by passengers onboard an aircraft, Carrier assumes no custody or responsibility for property carried onboard an aircraft by a passenger.
- Carrier's liability with respect to damage to wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and assistive devices upon which an individual with a disability is dependent shall be the documented cost of repair. If a wheelchair, mobility aid, or assistive device is lost or irreparably damaged, the criteria for calculating the compensation for a lost, damaged, or destroyed wheelchair or other assistive device shall be the original purchase price of the device without depreciation. Carrier will also compensate the passenger for other reasonable expenses incurred as a result of the loss of, damage to, or delayed delivery of the wheelchair, mobility aid, or assistive device.
- Carrier prohibits the following items from being placed in checked baggage and assumes no responsibility and will not be liable for delay, loss or damage to, or caused by, such or similar items: money, jewelry, cameras, photographic, video and electronic equipment (including computers), sound reproduction equipment, electronic cigarettes, vaping devices, lithium batteries, silverware, natural fur products, precious gems/stones and metals, medication, orthotics and optics (except for assistive devices of passengers with disabilities), negotiable papers, securities, business/personal documents, business equipment, business samples, blueprints, photographs, items intended for sale, artistic items, paintings and other works of art, antiques, collectors' items, photographs, artifacts, antiques, heirlooms, manuscripts, furs, keys, spirits, books or publications, irreplaceable items and similar valuables, except for claims arising from international flights covered by the Montreal Convention.
76. Fragile and Perishable Items as Baggage
Carrier may, but is not obligated to, conditionally accept previously damaged, improperly packed, fragile, or perishable items for carriage as checked baggage subject to the passenger's assumption of risk for damage to or destruction of such items. Fragile or perishable items will not be accepted as checked baggage unless they are properly packed in an original factory-sealed carton or case designed for shipping such items and if the item does not pose a risk of damage to other checked baggage.
77. - 79. Not Used
80. Claims
- In the case of loss of, damage to, or delay in delivery of baggage, no claim will be entertained by Carrier unless a mishandled baggage report is presented to Carrier within 24 hours after arrival of the flight on which the loss, damage, or delay is alleged to have occurred. The preliminary notice may thereafter be amended in writing; however, such amended claim must be presented to Carrier no later than twenty-one (21) days after the occurrence of the event giving rise to the claim.
- Failure to provide notice within the foregoing time limits will not bar a claim if the claimant establishes to the satisfaction of Carrier that he or she was unable, through no fault or omission of the claimant, to provide notice within the specified time limits.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, no legal action on any claim described above may be maintained against Carrier unless commenced within one (1) year of Carrier's written denial of a claim, in whole or in part.
81. Class Action Waiver
Any person who purchases air transportation and/or any ground accommodation or service from Carrier agrees, on behalf of such purchaser and anyone on whose behalf he or she makes such a purchase, that any lawsuit brought against Carrier, any of its affiliated entities, or any of its agents, directors, employees or officials related to this Contract of Carriage, any air transportation and/or ground accommodation or service purchased from Carrier, or any use of or dealings with Carrier’s website shall be brought only in an individual capacity, and shall not be brought in or asserted as part of a class action proceeding. Purchaser warrants that all persons described in the foregoing sentence are bound thereby and by all other provisions of this Contract of Carriage.
82. Smoking
Smoking aboard Carrier's aircraft is prohibited by federal law. This prohibition applies to use of cigarettes or any other form of smoked tobacco product, as well as vaping devices, e-cigarettes, or anything similar.
83. Health Risks
An inherent risk of air travel is the possibility that one or more passengers on a flight may have a communicable disease, and that one or more other passengers may contract the disease. This could include Covid-19 or other serious disease. Despite the efforts of Carrier, public health authorities and others to minimize the spread of disease, Carrier can offer no assurance that a passenger will not contract a viral or other disease while aboard an aircraft operated by Carrier or while using airport facilities utilized by Carrier. Accordingly, you hereby agree on behalf of yourself and anyone on whose behalf you make a purchase from Carrier, that neither Carrier nor any of its agents, directors, employees, officials or affiliated entities shall have any liability whatsoever in respect of disease, however contracted.
84. Photos & Videos
The use of small cameras or mobile devised for photography and video is permitted, provided you keep the purpose of your photography and video to capturing personal events. Photographing or recording other customers or airline personnel without their express consent is prohibited. Airline personnel reserve the right to prohibit photos and videos if it becomes a disturbance to them or other passengers.
85. Failure to Operate as Scheduled
- This article covers:
- Canceled Flights (both voluntarily changed by the carrier and for reasons beyond the carrier’s control)
- Late or Irregular Operations (both voluntarily changed by the carrier and for reasons beyond the carrier’s control)
- Schedule Changes
- Cancel/Delay reasons beyond the carrier’s control include, but are not limited to, acts of God, governmental actions, fire, weather, Passenger behavior, medical emergencies, Air Traffic Control, security-related matters, strikes or labor disputes, and inability to obtain fuel for the flight in question.
- Carrier shall use its best efforts to notify all affected passengers promptly of planned schedule changes and service withdrawals.
- If Carrier significantly delays, cancels, or fails to operate any flight according to Carrier's published schedule, provided in the case of delay that the delay is significant as defined below in 85.E., Carrier will offer to each passenger confirmed on an affected flight:
- transport on another of Allegiant’s flights on which space is available at no additional charge; or
- a refund of the unused portion of the passenger's fare in accordance with Article 90 below; or
- in the case of a schedule change made voluntarily by Carrier, and provided the schedule change is significant as defined below in 85.E., refund the unused portion of the passenger’s fare in accordance with Article 90 below.
- A significant delay or change to a flight by a Carrier means, as a result of the delay or change:
- The passenger is scheduled to depart from the origination airport three hours or more for domestic itineraries and six hours or more for international itineraries earlier than the original scheduled departure time;
- The passenger is scheduled to arrive at the destination airport three hours or more for domestic itineraries or six hours or more for international itineraries later than the original scheduled arrival time;
- The passenger is scheduled to depart from a different origination airport or arrive at a different destination airport;
- The passenger is scheduled to travel on an itinerary with more connection points than that of the original itinerary;
- The passenger is downgraded to a lower class of service;
- The passenger who is an individual with a disability is scheduled to travel through one or more connecting airports different from the original itinerary; or
- The passenger who is an individual with a disability is scheduled to travel on substitute aircraft on which one or more accessibility features needed by the customer are unavailable.
- Carrier shall not be liable for any consequential damages or incidental costs incurred by the passengers such as, but not limited to, loss of wages/income/salaries/emotional distress that arise from the failure or delay in operating any flight.
- Carrier will attempt to transport passengers and their baggage promptly and as scheduled. Flight schedules, however, are subject to change without notice, and the times shown in or on Carrier's published schedules and advertising are not guaranteed. At times, without prior notice to passengers, Carrier may need to substitute other aircraft, airlines or means of transportation and may change, add, or omit intermediate or connecting stops. Carrier cannot guarantee that passengers will make connections to other flights of its own or those of other airlines. In the event of flight schedule changes, Carrier will attempt to notify affected passengers as soon as possible at the airport or en route.
- If a flight is unable to land at the destination airport and is diverted to another airport, the carriage by air shall, unless the aircraft continues to the original destination, be deemed to be completed when the aircraft arrives at the diversion airport. Carrier may, however, arrange or designate alternative transportation, whether by Carrier’s own service or by other means of transportation specified by Carrier (which may include ground transportation) to transport passengers to the original destination without additional cost. Exceptions may include situations where alternative transportation is prevented by safety concerns. When alternative transportation to the original destination is provided by or at the direction of Carrier, any arrangements made by one or more passengers on their own will not be paid for or reimbursed by Carrier and are at the passengers’ own risk.
86. - 89. Not Used
90. Refunds
- Nonrefundable fares - Nonrefundable fares are not eligible for refunds, except as provided in Articles 85.A above and 90.B. through 90.D. below.
- Flight terminations or involuntary cancellations - If a passenger's scheduled transportation is canceled, or terminated before the passenger has reached his or her final destination as a result of a flight cancellation or omission of a scheduled stop, Carrier will, at the passenger's option, transport the passenger on another of Carrier's flights on which space is available at no additional charge, or refund the fare for the unused transportation including any taxes and ancillary fees, or provide a credit voucher for such amount toward the purchase of future travel.
- Denied boarding - If Carrier denies boarding or removes a passenger from an aircraft under conditions described in Article 10 (except Articles 10.B, 10.C, and 10.F) or Article 35.F above, Carrier will refund the fare paid for the unused portion thereof. If Carrier denies boarding or removes a passenger under any of the circumstances enumerated in Article 10.B, 10.C or 10.F, fares paid for any unused travel segment shall be forfeited and non-refundable.
- Eligible fare refunds and credits will be made by Carrier as follows:
- when no portion of the transportation has been provided, the refund or credit will be issued in an amount equal to the fare paid including any taxes and ancillary (defined in 90.E. below) fees (subject to Article 90.C above) less applicable change fees;
- when a portion of the transportation has been provided, the refund or credit will be made in an amount equal to the difference, if any, between the total fare paid and the fare applicable to the transportation provided, (subject to Article 90.C above) less applicable change fees; or
- if a customer cancels an entire air transportation itinerary within 24 hours after booking the itinerary and the scheduled time of departure of the initial flight in the itinerary was at least one week (168 hours) away at the time of booking, a full refund will be issued; provided, this does not apply when the air transportation was purchased as part of a package consisting of air and ground elements. Such cancellation may be accomplished online via the customer’s “Allways” account or by contacting the Allegiant Reservation Center by telephone.
- “Ancillary fees” are fees for ancillary services, which means any optional service related to air travel that Carrier provides for a fee, beyond passenger air transportation. Such services may include, but are not limited to, transport of checked or carry-on baggage, advance seat selection, access to in-flight entertainment programs or Wi-Fi, in-flight beverages, snacks, meals, or seat upgrades. If the price of the airfare includes the ancillary service, meaning there is no specific charge or fee for the ancillary service, Carrier will not provide a refund beyond the amount paid for the airfare.
- Carrier will provide a refund for a purchased ancillary service (other than for a checked bag) that was not provided to a passenger. Carrier’s obligation to provide a refund for an ancillary service not provided to an individual passenger or passengers, but not all the passengers on the flight who paid for the service, begins when the passenger(s) notify the Carrier and that information has been confirmed. A refund will automatically be issued for the ancillary service where the service was not available for all passengers on the flight who paid for the service, such as unavailable Wi-Fi for the flight.
- Carrier shall make eligible refunds according to the original form of payment. Refunds for fares purchased with a debit or credit card shall be processed for crediting back to the same card account no later than seven (7) business days from the date the refund request is received by Carrier. All credit refunds will be issued in the currency used at purchase (USD). Refunds for fares purchased with cash or by check will be issued by check no later than twenty (20) calendar days after the refund request is received by Carrier; provided that, with regard to fares purchased by check, in cases where Carrier has reasonable cause to suspect fraud, Carrier may delay making an otherwise eligible refund until such time as the check by which the fare was purchased has cleared the financial institution on which it was drawn and Carrier has received payment from such institution. Refunds for fares purchased with instalment payments offered through a third party company, must be requested to Allegiant for the cancelation of the itinerary but the third party company will manage the settlement of the credit line and the final refund to the Customer.
- A fare refund shall be provided automatically by the Carrier in the following circumstances:
- A flight is cancelled and a passenger is not offered an alternative flight or any voucher, credit or other form of compensation by Carrier (the date the flight was canceled is considered the date the passenger requested a refund); or
- A passenger rejects the significantly delayed or changed flight (defined in 85.E.), rebooking on an alternative flight, or any voucher, credit or other form of compensation offered by the Carrier (the date the passenger rejects the offers is considered the date the passenger requested a refund); or
- A passenger does not respond to an offer of:
- A significantly delayed or changed flight or an alternative flight and the flight departs without the passenger (the departure date is deemed the refund request date); or
- A voucher, credit or other form of compensation by the date on which the canceled flight was scheduled to depart or the date that the significantly delayed or changed flight departs (the originally scheduled departure date for a canceled flight, or the significantly delayed or changed departure date is deemed the refund request date).
- Carrier will provide a refund to a passenger with a disability upon notice from the passenger with a disability that the passenger does not wish to continue to travel, as well as any individuals on the same itinerary as the disabled passenger who similarly do not wish to continue to travel without the disabled person for one or more of the following reasons:
- The passenger with a disability is downgraded to a lower class of service that results in one or more accessibility features needed by the individual becoming unavailable;
- The passenger with a disability is scheduled to travel through one or more connecting airports that are different from the original itinerary;
- The passenger with a disability is scheduled to travel on a substitute aircraft on which one or more accessibility features available on the original aircraft needed by the individual are unavailable.
- Refunds are not due for situations involving flight diversions due to safety or security concerns as long as passengers were ultimately transported to their destinations.
91. - 104. Not Used
105. Denied Boarding Compensation
- The following definitions, as prescribed in 14 C.F.R. § 250.1, pertain solely to the denied boarding compensation provisions of this Article:
- Airport means the airport at which the direct or connecting flight, on which the passenger holds confirmed reserved space, is planned to arrive or some other airport serving the same metropolitan area, provided that the transportation to the other airport is accepted (i.e., used) by the passenger.
- Comparable air transportation means transportation provided to passengers at no extra cost by a direct air carrier holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity or commuter authority issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation, or by a foreign air carrier holding a foreign air carrier permit issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation authorizing the scheduled air transportation of persons.
- Confirmed reserved space means space on a specific date and on a specific flight of Carrier which has been requested by a passenger and which Carrier or its authorized agent has verified, by appropriate notation on the ticket or Ticketless Travel Confirmation, or in any other manner provided by this Contract of Carriage, as being reserved for the accommodation of the passenger.
- Stopover means a deliberate interruption of a journey by the passenger, scheduled to exceed four (4) hours, at a point between the place of departure and the place of final destination.
- The sum of the values of the passenger's remaining flight coupons means the sum of the applicable one-way fares, including any surcharges, airport or passenger facility charges, and air transportation taxes, less any applicable discounts.
- Request for Volunteers - In the event of an unintentional overbooked flight, Carrier shall request volunteers for denied boarding. A volunteer is a person who responds to Carrier's request for volunteers and who willingly accepts Carrier's offer of compensation, in any amount, in exchange for relinquishing his or her confirmed reserved space. Any other passenger denied boarding is considered to have been denied boarding involuntarily, even if that passenger accepts denied boarding compensation. If an insufficient number of volunteers come forward, Carrier may deny boarding to other passengers. However, Carrier will not deny boarding to any passenger involuntarily who was earlier asked to volunteer without having been informed about the possibility of being denied boarding involuntarily and the amount of compensation specified in Article 105.E. below.
- Conditions for Payment of Compensation to Passengers Involuntarily Denied Boarding due to an Oversell - Subject to the exception in Article 105.D. below, Carrier will tender to a passenger the amount of compensation specified in Article 105.E. below, when:
- the passenger holds a ticket for confirmed reserved space and presents himself or herself for carriage at the appropriate time and place, having complied fully with Carrier's requirements as to ticketing, reconfirmation, check-in, and acceptability for transportation in accordance with this Contract of Carriage; and
- other than for reasons set forth in Article 10 above, or when resulting from substitution for operational or safety reasons of an aircraft having a lesser seating capacity than the aircraft originally scheduled, Carrier is unable to accommodate the passenger on the flight for which the passenger holds confirmed reserved space, and such flight departs without the passenger.
- Exception - The passenger will not be eligible for compensation if Carrier offers comparable air transportation, or other transportation used by the passenger at no extra cost, that, at the time such arrangements are made, is planned to arrive at the airport of the passenger's next stopover or, if none, at the airport of the passenger's final destination not later than one (1) hour after the planned arrival time of the passenger's original flight or flights.
- Amount of Compensation Payable to Passengers Involuntarily Denied Boarding Due to an Oversell:
- Domestic Transportation Passengers traveling between points within the United States (including the territories and possessions) who are denied boarding involuntarily from an oversold flight are entitled to: (1) No compensation if the carrier offers alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the passenger’s destination or first stopover not later than one hour after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight; (2) 200% of the fare to the passenger’s destination or first stopover, with a maximum of $1,075, if the carrier offers alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the passenger’s destination or first stopover more than one hour but less than two hours after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight; and (3) 400% of the fare to the passenger’s destination or first stopover, with a maximum of $2,150, if the carrier does not offer alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the airport of the passenger’s destination or first stopover less than two hours after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight.
0 to 1 hour arrival delay. No compensation. 1 to 2 hour arrival delay. 200% of one-way fare (but no more than $1,075). Over 2 hours arrival delay. 400% of one-way fare (but no more than $2,150). - Except as provided below, the airline must give each passenger who qualifies for involuntary denied boarding compensation a payment by cash or check for the amount specified above, on the day and at the place the involuntary denied boarding occurs. If the airline arranges alternate transportation for the passenger’s convenience that departs before the payment can be made, the payment shall be sent to the passenger within 24 hours. The air carrier may offer free or discounted transportation in place of the cash payment. In that event, the carrier must disclose all material restrictions on the use of the free or discounted transportation before the passenger decides whether to accept the transportation in lieu of a cash or check payment. The passenger may insist on the cash/check payment or refuse all compensation and bring private legal action.
- Acceptance of the compensation may relieve Allegiant Air from any further liability to the passenger caused by its failure to honor the confirmed reservation. However, the passenger may decline the payment and seek to recover damages in a court of law or in some other manner.
- Domestic Transportation Passengers traveling between points within the United States (including the territories and possessions) who are denied boarding involuntarily from an oversold flight are entitled to: (1) No compensation if the carrier offers alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the passenger’s destination or first stopover not later than one hour after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight; (2) 200% of the fare to the passenger’s destination or first stopover, with a maximum of $1,075, if the carrier offers alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the passenger’s destination or first stopover more than one hour but less than two hours after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight; and (3) 400% of the fare to the passenger’s destination or first stopover, with a maximum of $2,150, if the carrier does not offer alternate transportation that is planned to arrive at the airport of the passenger’s destination or first stopover less than two hours after the planned arrival time of the passenger’s original flight.
106. - 115. Not Used
116. Ticketless Travel Acceptability
Carrier will accept only its own electronic Ticketless Travel Confirmation, and then only if all transportation written thereon uses the services of Carrier. Any tickets issued in conjunction with travel on another carrier will not be accepted.
117. - 123. Not Used
124. Check Acceptance
Allegiant accepts most major credit and debit cards. Allegiant does not accept cash, check, or money orders in-flight or at any airport location.
125. - 126. Not Used
127. Right to Change Contract
Carrier reserves the right, to the extent not prohibited by federal law, to change, delete, or add to any of the terms of this Contract of Carriage without prior notice. All changes must be in writing and approved by a corporate officer of Carrier.