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Have you searched our FAQs section? You will find the most helpful information on our most popular topics there.

  • Questions? Search here for answers to our most commonly asked questions.
  • Learn how to book, change, or cancel an airline ticket reservation.

  • Our guidelines for flying with checked bags, carry-ons and personal items.

  • Our seating policies and procedures, checking-in before your flight and boarding your flight.

  • Change your flight dates, select seats, pre-purchase bags, upgrade or cancel your itinerary online.

  • About Allegiant, the aircraft we fly and the airports we service.

  • Everything you need to know to fly with babies, children and teenagers.

  • What you need to know before flying with your pet or service animal in the cabin.

  • Check flight departure and arrival information or subscribe to text flight notifications.

Phone Contact Numbers

Baggage Service Office: (866) 719-3910
Lost and Found: (866) 719-3910
Teletypewriter (TTY): (702) 430-3283
Weather Advisories: (702) 719-8111

Due to the current high demand for Allegiant travel deals call wait times can be greater than: 30 Minutes

Reservations Center/Customer Care: (702) 505-8888